The team at have conducted asbestos inspections throughout Dubbo and surrounding councils for business and government. The main concern these days is not so much exposure from day to day office workers; but for contractors who may be repairing or conducting renovations.
Local residents may have even observed signage out the front of buildings noting that asbestos may be in the building. It is important to be alert but not alarmed at asbestos within the buildings as long as the asbestos risk is managed. Residents should also be able to view copies of the asbestos register resulting from the asbestos inspections through Dubbo and surrounding councils in the Orana region.
Much as the asbestos identified within the inspections were of fibro type material using for wall and ceiling sheeting vinyl floor tiles, mastic to building movement joints and in some cases insulation surrounding the re-heating bars within air conditioning ductwork.
The asbestos inspections provide a risk assessment to ensure that there is negligible risk to occupations during normal activities. The asbestos inspection also provides asbestos removal and abatement strategies where required to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure.
If you are considering an asbestos inspection to be conducted, please ensure that the inspection body is NATA accredited to ISO 17020 and the laboratory being used for asbestos testing is NATA accredited to AS ISO 17025. This ensures that the personnel are technically competent, having been assessed by a third part semi-government organisation and that the asbestos inspection and testing company have a quality management system in place. Another factor to consider is whether the inspection or testing company has a qualified occupational hygienist.
The team at provide regular asbestos inspections, asbestos air monitoring, asbestos clearance inspections, OHS property risk assessments and slip resistance testing to the following areas within the Orana region:
- Dubbo
- Wellington
- Narromine
- Nyngan
- Gilgandra
- Mudgee
- Cobar
- Coonabarabran
- Bourke
- Walgett
- Warren
- Brewarrina
- Coonable
Asbestos testing can also be undertaken by samples sent through to our laboratory in Sydney for analysis.
For more information about asbestos inspections and testing please contact Safe Environments
Author: Carl Strautins

Carl Strautins is a managing director of Safe Environments Pty Ltd a multi-specialist consultancy operating in the building, construction and property management industries. He provides the necessary guidance and risk minimisation strategies required by architects, construction companies and facility managers to ensure they mitigated their risk to property risk. He is engaged on a regular basis to provide expert opinion for disputes and legal proceedings. Click here to know more about him.