Assess and Control the Risk of Asbestos with an Asbestos Management Plan
An Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) outlines the roles and responsibilities who have control in the workplace to ensure that the risks of asbestos exposures are eliminated or reduced to a negligible risk. The first step in assessing the organisations exposure to asbestos to undertake an asbestos inspection of buildings, structures and grounds to identify where the Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) may be present.
This information is presented within an Asbestos Register so that people who are likely to come into contact can identify where the ACM is located and understand the risk of the hazard when it was inspected.
Other risks than just building materials that may also need to be assessed within an Asbestos Management Plan. This may include situations where ACM may be handled. For instance during asbestos removal work where a Removal Control Plan is required or the handling of rubbish if it is illegally dump on the streets or in waste disposal tips.
Construction companies and trades should have an asbestos management plan in place which outlines how they may deal with suspected ACM before conducting work on a building.
Effective Asbestos Management Plan to Reduce Asbestos Related Risks
The process in which the way in which ACM is dealt with will be dependent on the system of work which is conducted. A consultant or occupational hygienist will assist you to
- Identify ACM in the workplace
- Assess the risk
- Control the risk
The aim of the Asbestos Management Plan is to provide awareness and prevent exposure to fibres in the workplace. Guidelines will also include the roles of people within the organisation so that there is clear identification as to who is responsible in controlling and communicating the risks.
Get Your Organisation an Asbestos Management Plan for a Safe Workplace
If workers are likely to be exposed to fibres then health surveillance may also be required through the consultation with an occupational physician. The asbestos management along with health surveillance will help to assist the likely risk based on medical assessments of employees. These high risk jobs tend to be those such as ACM removal work. The AMP will include how often that people may need to be referred to a medical practitioner.