Mr Fluffy in known in homes throughout the ACT and Canberra for all the wrong reasons. Mr Fluffy is the mysterious man who filled ACT and Canberra homes with asbestos insulation throughout the roof and cavities. While there was a $100 Million dollar clean-up plan in the late 1980s and early 1990s there is still a legacy of loose asbestos fibres throughout cavities where the asbestos removalists could not completely decontaminate.
It is understood that the asbestos clean-up and removal back then was primarily to ensure that the areas within normal occupancy would be reasonably safe. However over time, there is likely to be demolition, refurbishments and renovations that may uncover further loose asbestos insulation in wall cavities and the like.
The Canberra Times reports that hundreds of families in the ACT could face costs of six figures if they decide to remediate or demolish their house. It is reported that the ACT government has sent letters to affected home owners that:
“It is likely that some insulation material remains in these homes, including in places such as internal and external wall cavities, sub floor spaces and underneath cornices”.
Amosite asbestos is reported to have been identified. Amosite is an amphibole asbestos which is more toxic than chrysotile, however not as toxic as crocidolite asbestos.
It will be impossible to remove every asbestos fibre within these homes based in the ACT. The only way to remove all the asbestos within these houses would likely be to demolish those houses in Canberra and start again. Although there may be fibres throughout the house it is unlikely that there would be detected when undertaking asbestos air monitoring to the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (now Safe Work Australia) document “Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres 2nd Edition [NOHSC: 3003 (2005)].”
What happened to Mr Fluffy?
Mr Fluffy is an urban legend to asbestos consultants, for all the wrong reasons. It’s not known what happened to Mr Fluffy, some speculate he took off to the Gold Coast, cashed up until his time, but Mr Fluffy’s name brings heart palpitations to many people unknown as to the whether some asbestos still remain in their house. If you know what happened to Mr Fluffy, please contact us, we would be interested to know.
What to do if you think your affected by asbestos insulation by Mr Fluffy ?
If you’re in the Canberra or the ACT it is recommended that an asbestos inspection be undertaken and explain to the asbestos consultant that you suspect that the house may have loose insulation due to Mr Fluffy.
Safe Environments can assist people in Canberra and the ACT to undertake an asbestos inspection of their house and take samples for asbestos testing in our NATA accredited laboratory. If there is concern, we can also undertake asbestos air testing to reassure occupations that their house is reasonably safe to live in.
If you think that you your house may be affected by insulation by Mr Fluffy and you’re in the Canberra or ACT you will require the assistance of a Licensed ACT Asbestos Assessor.
Please call 0439 401 121 for more information.
Author: Carl Strautins

Carl Strautins is a managing director of Safe Environments Pty Ltd a multi-specialist consultancy operating in the building, construction and property management industries. He provides the necessary guidance and risk minimisation strategies required by architects, construction companies and facility managers to ensure they mitigated their risk to property risk. He is engaged on a regular basis to provide expert opinion for disputes and legal proceedings. Click here to know more about him.